Saturday 4 January 2014


Saturday saw the HVB and CVB meet at The Fleece in Holme.

Recently it has been stormy but for once the wind had died away and it stayed fine but heavily overcast and dull.  But it was good to be out again.

Dogs are not allowed in The Fleece.

Traditional old scullery or kitchen sink of the area decoratively mounted behind an outbuilding at the back of the pub.

Nice old stone trough plentifully supplied and some nice stone setts too. (80 tonnes used on this drive and yard)

 The recently betrothed.

 Slightly lost hound with a breeze starting again.

 General gloom and cloud coming down Holme Moss and Black Hill.

One of the bob holes for hares and rabbits in the drystone walls.  Notice how accurately the two old walls line up as there is a lane in between.

 Some rather muddy looking hounds.

That was the end of my day but I understand there was a good Sing in The Fleece afterwards.  In the old days of the Holme Valley Beagles meeting there on Boxing Day it used to be jam packed for 'wassailing', but this Boxing Day they were fully booked for meals all day, so today was the welcome substitute.

 Holme Junior and Infant School gates.

Strange wording - 'Capture cars' - do they hold them captive?  Car Thieves operate here I presume!