Thursday 15 August 2013


The forecast was rain.  Apart from a short shower it stayed fine all day.  As the hound show finished the heavens opened and it rained as only it can rain in the Lake District until sometime in the night when it finally wore itself out.

Holcombe Harriers took the Harrier championship, Newcastle and District Beagles the  Beagles championship and a lot more besides, and Coniston scored in the Fell hounds, being Supreme Show Champion against the beagle and harrier champions and the champion terrier.

So some of the photos I took during the course of the day with a lunch break, some being taken in style.

I have had to redo these pics.  I originally processed them on my laptop and I think the screen must be too bright as having seen them on my PC I realise they were all too dark.  I will have to figure out how to calibrate it.

Beagle judges


Stick competition
Waiting to go in the ring
Sheep collected from the sheepdog trials

Holcombe Harrier win


10 weeks old and can nearly stand on its hind legs!

Young handlers competition
Biscuit barrel pride and joy

Bit of sheepdog trial

Assorted top men in beagle ring

Newcastle and district
The winner and the next two get their reward after a Hound Trail
The Fell Hound ring
One man and his dog
Gundog demo waiting to perform
The last pen complete

Terrier champion waiting to be picked - the black and tan
Terrier champion owner getting silver
Tense time for some waiting for Show Supreme Champion decision
The debate went on and on
And Coniston finally got the win - Supreme Show Champion